Mahecas UK Newsletter: Issue 2: Secretary's Comment
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Mahecas UK Newsletter: Issue 2, January 1999


© Mahecas UK, 1999
Edited by Edward Lizi

A visitor's account of the Malawi medical services

Secretary's Comment

Mrs Travena's account is depressing indeed. Anyone who has visited Malawi hospitals in the recent years will give a similar account if not worse. The suffering and helplessness of the sick in Malawi is indescribable. The people are losing faith in the medical services and turning more and more to traditional healers who claim to have magical healing powers. The public health campaigns are having no impact as a result. AIDS, MALNUTRITION and CHILD MORTALITY are rampant.

The general public rich nations give generously to where the world media and cameras point, mostly where natural disasters and wars are the cause of the suffering. Malawi's problems are due to abject poverty and cameras are not focusing there. We should not be shamed to tell the world of the plight of the suffering in Malawi.

Malawians living abroad should feel duty bound to tell the world of the problems, help financially and participate in fund raising functions. The world can only help if we show willingness to help ourselves. MAHECAS (UK) as charity strives to put the plight of Malawi medical services on the world map and act as a way of channelling help to the sick of Malawi. PLEASE HELP !!!

E. Lizi, Secretary