Mahecas UK Newsletter: Issue 3: Why Mahecas UK exists
Malawi Health Care Support UK Newsletters
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A reminder why MAHECAS was set up and why we are still active

Malawi, with its population of over 10 million, is among the 10 poorest countries of the world. Like many developing countries, Malawi is struggling to maintain basic medical care for the majority of its population. The difficulties of an impoverished rural economy set against the background of the AIDS epidemic and its related diseases give rise to a most compelling need.

Mahecas was founded in 1995 with the following objectives:
  • to raise money for the purpose of assisting hospitals and medical services in Malawi;
  • to relieve sickness and preserve good health through the provision of medical equipment, medical expertise, training and personnel;
  • to publicise the plight of the sick of Malawi to the outside world and seek assistance for its medical services.